Hello, I am

Khalil Ahmad

A web developer and a Graphic designer who loves to develope websites and make designes that makes difference and satisfaction.

Currently I am a Student at UET Lahore in Computer Science Department. The programmin Langugaes i have developed a couple of my semester projects and always willing to contribute in some of new projects.

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Web Developer

.Net Developer

Graphic Designer

A Gamer

About Me

Hi there, welcome to my website! I'm Khalil, a passionate web developer who enjoys learning new technologies and solving problems with code!

This website is my personal blog where I write about my interests, projects and whatever i like.

Thank you for visiting my website and getting to know me better. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog posts and found them useful and informative. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

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My Services

.Net Development

.Net development especially Desktop development is always been a most experienced platform to me. Now expanding my skills to IOS, android & MacOS too.

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Graphic Design

Designing the world, a really crazy hobby for me. I am always in designing amazing, attractive and cool designs. I've used this skill to design posters for differnet societies.

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App Development

I've been learning app development currently. I have currently completed learning Java with OOP and now learning to develop application. I'll keep on updating about this service.

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Latest Project

Nexus Editor

Nexus Editor is a code editor that i developed using different Data Structures. This editor gives a real feeling of any code editor and is inspired from VS Code.

Web Scraping

In this project we scraped 1 Million data from a website of E-books with python and beautiful soup.

Work Nova

Work Nova is a project that i developed in C# as a project of my semester. It was a GUI based application that provides job (CRUD operations on Jobs).

My Proficiencies







Java Script








Project Management


My Technologies


Data Structures and Algorithms, one of my courses. I learnt different sorting and searchng algorithms during the course. Then i started learning about different Data Structures that include Linked Lists (with types), Stack, Queue, Trees, Graphs, Hashing etc.


Object Oriented Programming is one of the most widely and latest orientation of programming we used to develop our applications. I have been implementing OOP in my projects since my 2nd semester and cleared all pillars and concepts of OOP.


While learning web development i came to know about the most famous framework and which was easy to learn too and it was Bootstrap. I visited the documentation website of Bootstrap and started practical work on Bootstrap.

Tailwind CSS

After learning Boostrap i was curious to know about other web frameworks too. Then i starting practical of documentation of Tailwind CSS and started practical work on it. Tailwind CSS was another framework that i practiced for web development.


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